Church United is affiliated with Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee, USA)
Located in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

A place to belong!
Worshipping Jesus together may be the most critical thing we do after our intimate relationship with Jesus. It plays an indispensable role in rekindling our spiritual fire and keeping it burning. Corporate worship brings together God's Word, prayer, and fellowship, making for the most effective means of God's ongoing grace in the Christian life.
Every Sunday at 6 PM
Hall 1, Sharjah Worship Center
Reinforcing our faith
A Christian's desire for the truth, the Word of God, must be avid. A believer must give the highest priority in his life to learning the Bible facts and principles. Bible knowledge produces strength and stability of the mind. Bible doctrine understood under the faith principle of applied teaching breeds confidence during the believer's lifetime.
Alternate Tuesdays at 8 PM
Online on ZOOM

Serving God by serving His people
God has called us to serve others. And serving doesn't have to be complicated – if we do all things with love, then serving others will be a joyful experience. At Church United, we have various areas to jump right in; Serve Team (Ushers, Greeters, Stage Managers, and Media), Admin, Kid's Ministry, Youth Ministry, Women's and Men's Ministry, Life House, Worship Team, and Creative Arts.
So if you have the heart to serve God by serving His people, then this is the house to be.

One step at a time
C4C years to develop young minds and hearts to view their lives through the scripture while maintaining their innocence and vitality by planting the seeds of Christ into children's hearts and nurturing them in the love and character of Jesus.
Every Sunday (During our In-Person Service)
Sharjah Worship Center